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Berkas ini berasal dari Wikimedia Commons dan mungkin digunakan oleh proyek-proyek lain. Deskripsi dari halaman deskripsinya ditunjukkan di bawah ini.


Deskripsi Profile of Adam Smith. The original depiction of Smith was created in 1787 by James Tassie in the form of an enamel paste medallion. Smith did not usually sit for his portrait, so a considerable number of engravings and busts of Smith were made not from observation but from the same enamel medallion produced by Tassie, an artist who could convince Smith to sit.
Tanggal Original work in 1787. Etching produced in 1811, 1828 or 1872
Sumber http://www.library.hbs.edu/hc/collections/kress/kress_img/adam_smith2.htm
Pembuat Etching created by Cadell and Davies (1811), John Horsburgh (1828) or R.C. Bell (1872).
(Menggunakan kembali berkas ini)
Any version is in the public domain in their country of origin and the United States as all are older than 100 years.
Versi lainnya

Karya turunan dari berkas ini:  24 Britons.png

This file was previously sourced to geocities, which inverted the portrait. The new version is uploaded because the orientation of the image is specifically of encyclopedic interest.


Ini adalah suatu perbanyakan fotografis dari sebuah karya seni dua dimensi. Karya seni tersebut berada pada domain publik karena alasan berikut:
Public domain

This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 100 years or fewer.

You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States.
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Posisi resmi Wikimedia Foundation adalah bahwa "faithful reproductions of two-dimensional public domain works of art are public domain, and that claims to the contrary represent an assault on the very concept of a public domain". Untuk detilnya, lihat Commons:When to use the PD-Art tag.
Oleh karena itu, perbanyakan fotografis ini juga dianggap berada pada domain publik. Mohon diperhatikan bahwa hukum lokal mungkin saja melarang atau membatasi penggunaan kembali berkas ini di wilayah hukum anda. Lihat Commons:Reuse of PD-Art photographs.


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Adam Smith

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terkini6 September 2008 14.43Miniatur versi sejak 6 September 2008 14.431.456 × 2.173 (1,1 MB)ProtonkFor real this time. Actual higher res version, flipped.
6 September 2008 14.21Miniatur versi sejak 6 September 2008 14.211.456 × 2.173 (493 KB)Protonk
6 September 2008 10.21Miniatur versi sejak 6 September 2008 10.21386 × 500 (239 KB)Dennissimage missing or corrupt
2 September 2008 04.35Miniatur tidak tersedia371 × 482 (158 KB)Protonkminor rotation to align image. Cropped odd portions of inset. Category:Adam Smith
2 September 2008 04.02Miniatur versi sejak 2 September 2008 04.02386 × 500 (239 KB)Protonk{{Information |Description=Profile of Adam Smith |Source=http://www.library.hbs.edu/hc/collections/kress/kress_img/adam_smith2.htm |Date=Original work in 1787. Etching produced in 1811, 1828 or 1872 |Author= Model for etchi
15 Januari 2006 13.44Miniatur versi sejak 15 Januari 2006 13.441.456 × 2.173 (520 KB)WkentaurAdam Smith *en:Image:AdamSmith.jpg
5 Januari 2006 17.10Miniatur versi sejak 5 Januari 2006 17.10200 × 308 (13 KB)MaksimThis image was copied from wikipedia:nl. The original description was: Adam Smith van engelse wiki {{PD}} {| border="1" ! date/time || username || edit summary |---- | 18 jun 2005 19:34 || Rex || <nowiki>({{PD}})</nowiki> |---- | 3 okt 2003 22:35 || Be

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