
New data portal

From 12 October 2023, financial statistics data will be available on the FFA's new data portal (Data Portal). Users will find the main aggregates and indicators of the financial statistics in the form of tables, graphs and Excel files. The links below are currently still valid, but will only be directly available in the new data portal in 2024 (FS data / GFS data). The dashboards dedicated to Switzerland's public finances (data from the FS model) can be found under this link: Dashboard FS. The dashboards dedicated to Switzerland's public finances in international comparison (data from the GFS model) can be found under this link: GFS Dashboard.

International and national comparability

International comparability of Swiss financial statistics data is ensured with the GFS Model, which applies the financial statistics standard of the International Monetary Fund. This standard is described in the Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM 2014).

National comparability is achieved with the FS Model, which is based on the Harmonized Accounting Model for the Cantons and Communes (HAM2) and is thus inspired by the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). Standard evaluations with the FS Model always contain the statement of financial position, statement of financial performance and financing statement in the economic classification. Furthermore, receipts and expenditure are shown by function in the financing statement. In the 2008 fiscal year, the financial statistics were adjusted to new standards. There is therefore limited comparability with the figures prior to 2008 in the national FS Model.

In the 2008 fiscal year, the financial statistics were adjusted to new standards. There is therefore limited comparability with the figures prior to 2008 in the national FS Model.

The Financial Statistics Section publishes provisional results every spring and definitive results every summer.

Main aggregates and forecasts

International comparison

Detailed data GFS

Detailed data FS

Open Government Data

Last modification 31.08.2021

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